Market overview, history and VVISS
  • The market share of chain stores grew from 30% to 50% from 1996 to 2000
    • VVISS‘s dropping of agency sales and increasing the volume of deliveries to chain stores necessitate investments in the distribution network (opening 10 smaller distribution stores in the Czech and Slovak Republics and Hungary) and logistics (purchasing about 60 small distribution trucks), while increasing the number of employees from 50 to 400
    • Sales volume ranged from EUR 50 and 55 M/year
  • Since 2001 the share of chain stores has kept growing up to today's 75%, with deliveries to the stores replaced by deliveries to central warehouses (up to the current 80%)
    • The need for VVISS small distribution trucks and small distribution stores has been diminishing and the importance of our own production (about 400 ha) and central warehouses (CR 12,000 m2, SR 13,000 m2) has been growing, while reducing the number of employees to 250
    • Sales of goods ranged from # 9 to 10 M/year and EUR 55 to 60 M/year in 2001-2004
  • Since the Czech Republic’s accession to the EU (1/5/2004), import within the EU has been simplified considerably; there is growing importance of overseas import and service providing both to chain stores (Tesco, Billa, …) and to multinational producers (Chiquita, Dole, …)

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